# build ## with builder ```bash docker run --rm -it -v /root/workspace/wszhyWx:/workspace clibing/alpine-build bash cd /workspace npm install --legacy-peer-deps npm run build ``` ## exec sh in container log ```bash > ysws-vue@0.1.0 build > vue-cli-service build All browser targets in the browserslist configuration have supported ES module. Therefore we don't build two separate bundles for differential loading. ⠋ Building for production... WARNING Compiled with 2 warnings 11:07:23 PM warning asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance. Assets: img/index-background.6170a105.png (1.88 MiB) fonts/ALIBABA-PUHUITI-MEDIUM.7e8661bc.OTF (6.26 MiB) fonts/ALIBABA-PUHUITI-REGULAR.035db024.OTF (6.6 MiB) fonts/Alimama_ShuHeiTi_Bold.0ac727c9.ttf (1.3 MiB) img/login-bg.d0ccd5e4.png (1.44 MiB) img/background.14e833d2.jpg (616 KiB) js/970.9288c639.js (1.01 MiB) css/chunk-vendors.d93d07ef.css (246 KiB) js/chunk-vendors.b4684c39.js (2.14 MiB) warning entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance. Entrypoints: app (2.49 MiB) css/chunk-vendors.d93d07ef.css js/chunk-vendors.b4684c39.js css/app.1d0469df.css js/app.81c6b894.js File Size Gzipped dist/js/chunk-vendors.b4684c39.js 2192.83 KiB 587.48 KiB dist/js/970.9288c639.js 1029.18 KiB 340.26 KiB dist/js/899.9e1072c1.js 60.46 KiB 17.31 KiB dist/js/app.81c6b894.js 44.54 KiB 19.10 KiB dist/js/51.54b739ec.js 28.85 KiB 13.19 KiB dist/js/491.f0009224.js 20.95 KiB 8.37 KiB dist/js/617.9950aee6.js 18.03 KiB 7.03 KiB dist/js/33.4aac9c4b.js 17.99 KiB 6.97 KiB dist/js/573.56d9ffde.js 16.37 KiB 7.74 KiB dist/js/985.5c7740ef.js 14.00 KiB 7.06 KiB dist/css/chunk-vendors.d93d07ef.css 245.69 KiB 43.63 KiB dist/css/app.1d0469df.css 63.51 KiB 30.42 KiB dist/css/51.60c1caae.css 49.92 KiB 32.33 KiB dist/css/33.bc37da49.css 0.72 KiB 0.34 KiB dist/css/491.bc37da49.css 0.72 KiB 0.34 KiB dist/css/573.bc37da49.css 0.72 KiB 0.34 KiB dist/css/617.bc37da49.css 0.72 KiB 0.34 KiB dist/css/899.bc37da49.css 0.72 KiB 0.34 KiB dist/css/985.bc37da49.css 0.72 KiB 0.34 KiB Images and other types of assets omitted. Build at: 2023-10-07T15:07:23.981Z - Hash: d30c57e5506e3d29 - Time: 45735ms DONE Build complete. The dist directory is ready to be deployed. INFO Check out deployment instructions at https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/deployment.html ``` ## exit container ## build image ```` bash ./build-image.sh ```` # ysws-vue ## Project setup ``` npm install ``` ### Compiles and hot-reloads for development ``` npm run serve ``` ### Compiles and minifies for production ``` npm run build ``` ### Customize configuration See [Configuration Reference](https://cli.vuejs.org/config/).